2D Stop Motion Animation

2D Stop Motion Animation

Jul 8 - Jul 31 (TUES & THUR 1PM - 4PM) | Course Cost: $730.00

About the Course

In Person
Age Requirement
All Levels
Class Capacity
Materials Required

Supplies for this elective will be provided to all students. Students are required to bring their own recording device such as a phone or camera. 

Students will bring their imagination to life in this 2D Stop Motion Animation elective, where anything from paper to textiles can be transformed into moving art! This elective is perfect for creators who want to explore animation in its most hands-on form, using everyday materials to craft their own animated films.

Throughout the elective, students will learn the fundamentals of stop-motion animation, including the basics of storyboarding, character design, and scene construction. Using cut paper, fabric, and other 2D materials, participants will create frame-by-frame animations, discovering how simple objects can tell dynamic stories.

Students will also explore the technical aspects of stop-motion, such as lighting, timing, and camera work, while having the freedom to experiment with a variety of materials to bring their unique ideas to life.

While this intensive may be taken independently, it is an elective that is designed to work in conjunction with our Art and Design Intensive 4-week program. Please see that description here or email plus@cornish.edu if you have any questions.

How the Summer@Cornish program works: 

3 ways to Participate - Full-Day - Half Day - One Intensive

Full-Day Program

  • 1 Morning Intensive
    • M-F 9AM - 12PM
  • 2 Afternoon Electives
    • M/W/F & T/Th 1PM - 4PM

Half-Day Program

Students can select a combination of: 

  • 1 Intensive + 1 Elective
  • Only Intensive
  • Only Elective

Residency Program