Stop Motion Puppet Fabrication

Stop Motion Puppet Fabrication

May 5 - Jun 23 (MON 6PM - 9PM) | Course Cost: $672.00

About the Course

MCC, FabLab
In Person
Age Requirement
18+ (14+ with a parent or guardian)
All Levels
Class Capacity
Materials Required

Some materials included. The instructor will reach out to all registered students for any additional required materials. 

Take your first steps into the world of stop motion in this class where you will design, armature and build-up a puppet capable of full stop motion animation. You will learn the use of different materials that go into the creation of puppets, including wire, foam, liquid latex, epoxy resin and acrylic paint, etc. We will also discuss the varying styles of puppets as seen in films and tv (IE: “Pinocchio,” “Wallace and Gromit,” “Ted Lasso Christmas Special,” and “Robot Chicken.”) and introduce the idea of more complex puppets builds for future 201 classes. (Animation not taught in this class. That for another time.)

Learn more about the Oscar & Annie nominated, 3 time Emmy award winning for stop motion film & TV instructor, Nikki Rice. 

Learning Outcomes:

  • An overview of the history of stop motion
  • How to breakdown a character design for build and animation needs
  • Discuss different types of armatures and learn basic armature design and execution
  • Build up a puppet out of foam, foam tape and latex
  • Learn basic detail painting and finishing
  • Learn how to add fur or flock to a puppet and to make it animation friendly
  • Discuss approaches to costuming a puppet and learn basic costume armaturing for animation
  • Learn to create and organize a "Puppet Bible" to document all parts of your puppet build