Jenna Spinei

Jenna was born and raised in Ann Arbor, Michigan. As a child she was a competitive swimmer, equestrian, and soccer player. At age eight, she began dancing in her elementary school lunchtime hip hop club. The following year she enrolled in Dexter School of Dance Music & The Performing Arts. There she trained in jazz, ballet, tap, modern, musical theater, lyrical and was part of the competition company. In her teens, she began training at Studio 1 in Ann Arbor and joined the Dance Ensemble of Michigan, under the direction of TeDee A. Theofil. She also danced for the Pioneer High School Varsity Dance Team for four years and was captain for two.

Jenna attended the University of Michigan and received a Movement Science BS from the School of Kinesiology. She was a member of Cornrows Dance Company at the university and danced for companies off campus including Movement Artists’ Guild, People Dancing and AuxWerks Dance. She began teaching dance technique classes and coaching the Pioneer High School JV Dance Team. She also competed with the Dance UL Intervarsity Team while studying abroad at the University of Limerick. After returning from Ireland, Jenna became interested in the circus arts and trained on a variety of aerial apparatuses.

Following graduation, Jenna attended Goldsmiths, University of London, where she received a Dance Movement Psychotherapy MA. Her first year of clinical placement was in a primary school and the second was in a community mental health charity. In addition to academic movement investigation, Jenna studied with numerous movement artists around London, and continued her aerial training at The National Centre For Circus Arts. Afterward, she relocated for two years to Doolin, Ireland, where she taught full time for Broadway Dance and choreographed for the competition team.

Jenna returned to Michigan for two years, where she continued teaching dance technique classes and coached the Skyline High School Varsity Dance Team. She was a teaching artist for the University of Michigan Musical Society and a teaching associate for the University of Michigan Medical School. Jenna joined Youth Arts Alliance and began offering dance workshops and curating performance opportunities for youth in the justice system. She collaborated with the Wayne State University Stress, Trauma and Anxiety Research Clinic to study somatic interventions for addressing trauma in Syrian refugee youth. During this time, she received in depth Humphrey Technique training from Jillian Hopper and performed with Jillian Hopper Dance. She also met her creative collaborator and husband, Brett Campione. Their first performance together was at the Shape//Matter Movement Showcase.

Brett and Jenna moved to Seattle, where they are happily located today. Jenna began dance technique instruction in the area for the Cornish Preparatory Dance Program. She then transitioned to Bellevue College in 2021, where she is an adjunct professor of dance and choreographs for the drama department. She directed the Bellevue College Dance Company through 2024. In 2020, Jenna enrolled in the Seattle Level 1 Franklin Method® Educator Training and became dedicated to the practice. Currently, she is a licensed Level 3 Franklin Method® Educator and a Registered Somatic Movement Educator and Therapist (RSME/T) through the International Somatic Movement Education and Therapy Association (ISMETA). Jenna is an avid somatics researcher. Her interest in anatomy has led her to participate in multiple Dissection and Embodiment Experiences with EmbodyU at the Institute for Anatomical Research. Her personal movement practices include gyrokinesis, authentic movement and yoga. She loves traveling, cooking and comedy.