Sheila Daniels

Sheila Daniels is a multi-disciplinary Theater Maker. Directing work includes Indecent (Seattle Rep), The Wolves (ACT) A Streetcar Named Desire, Crime and Punishment and multiple other credits with INTIMAN Theatre; Dancing At Lughnasa (TANTRUM): Jackie & Me (Seattle Children’s Theatre); According to Coyote (Children’s Theatre Company of Minneapolis); A Winter’s Tale, Much Ado About Nothing and multiple other credits with Seattle Shakespeare Company; Lydia, The Normal Heart, Breaking the Code (Strawberry Theatre Workshop); This Wide Night (Seattle Public Theatre); Waiting for Lefty, God’s Country (CHAC) and Anaphylaxis (Throwing Bones/IRT, NYC). As a deviser/choreographer Sheila has self-produced multiple Movement-based works of rarely told women’s stories and co-created with other artists including Martha Enson and UMO. Upcoming projects include documentary film, Hidden Bodies: Stereotyping and Shaming of the Femme Body in American Theater and directing Eleanor Burgess’ The Niceties for INTIMAN.