Digital Collage for Film & Video

Digital Collage for Film & Video

Jan 29 - Mar 19 (WED 6PM - 8PM) | Course Cost: $368.00
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About the Course

In Person
Age Requirement
All Levels
Class Capacity
Materials Required

Supplies for this course are included in the tuition outside of personal software needs. 


Total Hours

8 In-Person & 8 Remote Hours

Faculty Review Hours


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Take advantage of the winter months at home! In this online course, students will create collages from existing video footage. Possible screen-based outputs include original stories, experimental documentaries or essays, and personal memorabilia. Activities will include viewings of exemplary works by accomplished artists; brief readings in the theory of montage (the assemblage or editing of film/video); discussion of sources, strategies, and protocol for legally accessing existing materials; and basic instruction in the use of digital editing tools. The course accommodates any level of experience in video production, from absolute beginner to established professional.

In person hours: 8 

Remote hours + faculty office review hours: 8