House Foundation with Majinn

House Foundation with Majinn

With Majinn
Jan 18 - Mar 7 (THUR 7PM - 8:30PM)

About the Course

Kerry Hall
In Person
Age Requirement
All Levels
Class Capacity

These classes will teach you various foundational steps and variations in House dance as well as focusing on the jack, footwork and lofting. There are different warm ups I utilize but we always have some type of leg and plank exercise and will incorporate warm up combinations as well. We work on connecting the movements in your body and learning to make them your own and help speak your voice through the movement; everyone has a different body and relates to movements differently so I work towards what works for you after building a base. Freestyle is a big part of class and showing your authentic self, you will hear various types of music in class during freestyle sections but foundation portions of the class will be to various types of House music and class will end in a cypher (freestyle circle).