Acting for Stage & Screen

Acting for Stage & Screen

Sep 30 - Nov 4 (MON 6PM - 8PM) | Course Cost: $276.00
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About the Course

LUI 102
In Person
Age Requirement
All Levels
Class Capacity
Materials Required

No materials needed for this course. Please wear comfortable clothing. 

This session is no longer available. Get on the waitlist for the next session!
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This course will dive into the actor’s “instrument” - their body and voice - and the habits of healthy performance; establishing skills, concepts, terminology, and goals from which subsequent training can spring. Students will learn about their  instrument as a complex and unified system, the mechanics of the body, and the steps performers can take to remain emotionally and physically resilient. 

Learning Outcomes: 

  • Building an ensemble
  • Vocal and physical warm-up practices
  • "Taking the stage"--finding ease in front of an audience
  • Establishing basic acting vocabulary
  • Working solo and working with a scene partner
  • Working with text