Life & Still Life Drawing

Life & Still Life Drawing

Sep 30 - Nov 18 (MON 6:30PM - 8:30PM) | Course Cost: $256.00
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About the Course

MCC 504
In Person
Age Requirement
All Levels
Class Capacity
Materials Required

Students will be asked to provide a small amount of supplies, such as a drawing pad, pencils and/or charcoal. 

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In our well-lit studio, delve into the art of human-form observation and interpretation with charcoal, pencils and brushes. Explore the beauty and diversity of the model's pose as an opportunity for self-expression and growth. This class fosters an atmosphere of creativity, camaraderie, and artistic exploration.

Learning Outcomes: 

  • Basic proportions and anatomy
  • Communicating structure and form
  • Approaches to shading
  • Gesture/movement