Tintype and Ambrotype Photography

Tintype and Ambrotype Photography

Oct 20 - Nov 24 (SUN 1PM - 4PM) | Course Cost: $576.00

About the Course

MCC 610
Age Requirement
Class Capacity

One of the first forms of photography, the collodion process is an early photographic process that produced a negative image on glass. In this course, students will learn the wet plate collodion process to produce images on tin tiles or plates. 

Participants of this course will be learning the skills necessary to create successful Tintypes (metal plate) and Ambrotypes (glass plate) photos. By learning basic large format camera operations and simple studio lighting setups, participants grow their photographic skills that also apply to modern techniques. 

In addition to learning the historical collodion process, we will cover basic skills such as black and white film processing and beginning darkroom technique.  Learning the technical skills  and the history of the Tintype/Ambrotype portrait, you will come away with the skills to develop these on your own. Learn how this process evolved along with the fascinating beginnings of photography that produce unique portraits and photos even today.