Mandolin Skill Development
About the Course
Mandolin required. No other supplies needed.
This course is designed for mandolin players to engage in hands-on study of the mandolin fretboard, including moving up and down the neck. In this group setting, students will work on a variety of tunes and learn how to use the pick to achieve variations of tone, adding personalized nuance to techniques like mandolin tremolo.
Learn how to refine precision timing in a wide range of tempos and rhythmic grooves that will bring out the finer points of working with bands and other instrumentalists, including backing up a vocalist.
Students will explore the breadth of potential roles for a mandolinist in a broad range of ensemble formats and music forms. Learn to take the small, yet mighty mandolin to your own next level with faculty feedback, peer reviewing and most of all playing to evolve your ever-growing mandolin toolkit!
Learning Outcomes:
- Tuning and playing by ear, identifying melodies, harmonies, and chord progressions.
• Fretboard fingering techniques such as moving up the neck, chord shapes and variations.
• Right hand techniques such as tremolo, sustain, crosspicking and percussive approaches to accompaniment with precision timing and situational awareness.
• Understand and explore potential roles for mandolin in a wide variety of styles and roots music forms, including common chord progressions and rhythmic figures.
• Elevate improvisational playing to your own next level with creative, simple approaches
• Gain skills such as backing up vocalists, leading jams, playing in solo or duo format.
• Learn to create spontaneous arrangements in real-time with harmonies, ensemble hits, fills and other embellishments whether in a jam session or in live performance.
• Tips and techniques for playing in dance bands in a variety of styles and contexts.