Leadership Speaking (And Listening) Through Acting

Leadership Speaking (And Listening) Through Acting

Oct 19 - Oct 19 (SAT 9AM - 4PM) | Course Cost: $161.00
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About the Course

MCC 102
In Person
Age Requirement
All Levels
Class Capacity
Materials Required

No materials or supplies needed for this workshop. 

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In this age of digital communication, many of us find it challenging to communicate effectively when speaking to others, especially from a leadership position. This workshop is designed to help you develop confidence and clarity as an oral communicator, whether speaking to one person or to a large group.

Learn strategies to:

  • prepare your voice and body 

  • engage your listeners by using a variety of vocal dynamics and body language

  • practice “active listening”, both to your audience and to your impulses

The first part of the workshop will focus on physical and vocal exercises, seeking to develop personal awareness of unhelpful habits that can impede your ability to connect with your “audience”. The second part of the workshop asks participants to “take the stage” in order to apply this awareness to the experience of speaking to a group. Participants are encouraged to share specific examples of speaking experiences in the workplace, particularly if they prepared a “script” for the occasion.

Learning Outcomes: 

  • Vocal dynamics (range, volume, tempo, clarity)
  • Physical presence
  • Audience engagement
  • “Active listening”, both to your audience and to your impulses