Social Dance Forms

Social Dance Forms

Jul 8 - Jul 31 (MON, WED 1PM - 4PM) | Course Cost: $730.00
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About the Course

Kerry Hall
Age Requirement
14 -18
Class Capacity
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From the basics of the Waltz to the Tango and Salsa, this intensive is designed for dancers who wish to explore the diverse and vibrant world of social dances. Students will immerse themselves in the rhythms, cultures, and social dynamics that make social dancing a joyful and dynamic art form. By learning the basics of partner connection, leading, following, and communication, students will collaborate with dance partners to create choreographic sequences within each social dance style. Social dance offers a vibrant and inclusive environment where you can embrace the joy of movement, connect with others, and celebrate the beauty of cultural diversity through dance.

While this intensive may be taken independently, it is an elective that is designed to work in conjunction with our Dance Intensive program. Please see that description or email if you have any questions.