Found-Footage Film Editing

Found-Footage Film Editing

Jul 9 - Aug 2 (T/TH 1 - 4PM) | Course Cost: $730.00

About the Course

Age Requirement
14 -18
Class Capacity

In this elective students will create collages from existing video footage. Possible screen-based outputs include original stories, experimental documentaries or essays, and personal memorabilia. Activities will include viewings of exemplary works by accomplished artists; brief readings in the theory of montage (the assemblage or editing of film/video); discussion of sources, strategies, and protocol for legally accessing existing materials; and basic instruction in the use of digital editing tools. This elective accommodates any level of experience in video production, from absolute beginner to established professional. 

While this intensive may be taken independently, it is an elective that is designed to work in conjunction with our Film Foundations program. Please see that description or email if you have any questions