Costume Design

Costume Design

Jul 9 - Aug 1 (TUES & THUR 1PM - 4PM) | Course Cost: $730.00

About the Course

MCC Costume Shop
Age Requirement
Class Capacity

Costume Design is focused on exploring the job of a costume designer and  understanding their role as part of a collaborative design team working on a production. Teens will explore the role and processes of designing costumes from the initial reading of a script, to conceptual work and research, design techniques and principles, and completing design renderings. Using a short one act play, teens will experience the design process from initial organizational and research methods,to introduction of design principles. They will also explore historical and style research, and learn rendering techniques and fabrics that will allow them to continue to create on their own.

While this intensive may be taken independently, it is an elective that is designed to work in conjunction with our Musical & Theater Foundations program. Please see that description or email if you have any questions.